Monday, December 14, 2009

Lions, and Finals, and Christmas! OH MY!

Today's post is written by Assistant Coach Marcus Moeller:

The word "Finals" conjures up so many different thoughts and emotions for college students. Some students barely even acknowledge the week. These students believe that no amount of studying can help them revive their grade from the depths of where it has fallen during the semester. To some, it is a cuss word. These people fear they are unprepared to take an exam that will test what they have (or have not) learned over the span of the entire semester. Others relish the idea of finals. These students understand that this week signifies the culmination of another long semester and relish the opportunity finish the class and move on to a 4 week break.

To college basketball coaches and players, Finals Week gives the 2 parties a chance to take a deep breath and slow down for a minute. The athletes get to focus on finals, and the coaches focus on their team. This gives the staff a great chance to sit down and truly evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the team, and put together an attack plan for the upcoming break. The practices we have during this short time will be aimed at breaking things down, and being perfect in the "little things." This is a GREAT time to regroup and recharge for the next part of our season.

Christmas break is the best 4 weeks of the season (barring any postseason run, of course). We get to spend more time with our team, we get to see family, and we get a chance to continue the race to the championship. On December 28th we open conference play back up with a home tilt against SBU. We will get a great gauge of our team as we will play 3 conference games in 6 days. The Christmas season (coupled with the conference season) will be a GREAT one for our basketball program. Please come celebrate it with us by attending our Dec 21st and Dec 28th home games!

Until next time...It's a GREAT day to be a LION!

Marcus Moeller
Assistant Coach