Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Birthplace of Basketball...and ME!!

Today's post is written by Jr. guard Jasmine Lovejoy:

Hello everyone, my name is Jasmine Lovejoy and I am a junior guard from Northeast Community College in Norfolk, Nebraska. I am originally from Springfield, Massachusetts. I am very proud to be from Springfield because of the major role that basketball has played in its history. One interesting thing that a lot of people may not know is that basketball was founded and invented there, and is also where the basketball Hall of Fame is.

Growing up it was very important for me to play a sport. Being from that area, I chose the sport that everyone else chooses…basketball. When I was younger, I watched a lot of old basketball games that had players who were inducted into the Hall of Fame. Watching current and future Hall of Famers really made me take basketball more seriously. It really made me strive to become a better player. As I got older, I began to understand how important it is to be from the area called “the birth place of basketball.” I felt very fortunate that the game that I have grown to love has the same birthplace as me!!

After all the positives, there were actually a few negatives to growing up in Springfield. The most glaring negative was the expectation and standard placed on me to be a GREAT basketball player. The other negative in that area was the number of all girls teams (or lack thereof). There were tons and tons of boy’s teams growing up, but very few all girls teams.

I am very thankful to have grown up in Springfield. It really causes me to appreciate the game of basketball and its historical significance.

I am so excited for our season to get started. I hope to see everyone out in the stands!

Until next time…It’s a GREAT day to be a LION!!

Jasmine Lovejoy
Jr. Shooting Guard